24 May 2007
World Bank Supports Freedom of Information Bill
The public being ably to access easily information from governmental institutions is considered as one of the important factors in advancing corruption eradication.
This was conveyed by World Bank communication officer, Ahmad Sukarsono.
“Indonesia already has good instruments for corruption eradication, but without public open access, i believe corruption eradication will be more difficult,” said Ahmad during the Workshop of Access to Obtain Information and Good Governance in Indonesia at Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (22/5).
According to Ahmad, the Freedom to Obtain Public Information (KMIP) Bill which is being discussed by the House of Representatives (DPR) will be the oxygen for corruption cases in Indonesia.
World Bank as a financial organization which often provides loans, supports this KMIP Bill being passed.
sourceLabels: Internet News, Money
My mind's unweaving/ 12:19 PM