25 May 2007
Supreme Court Annuls Mystic Programs Provision
The Supreme Court has passed the judicial review proposed by the Association of Indonesian Private Television Stations (ATVSI) against the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission's (KPI) decision on the broadcasting performance guide and broadcasting program standard.
KPI must revoke the provisions, including mystic and pornographic television programs.
ATVSI Chairperson Karni Ilyas acknowledged having received the Supreme Court's decision recently.
“It was already sent to the Association's office this afternoon (yesterday). It was only the summary, the details will follow,” she said when contacted by Tempo yesterday (23/5).
In the decision, the Supreme Court gives three month time for KPI to revoke the letter no. 009/SK/KPI/8/2004.
If within three months the letter is not revoked, the provision will not have any legal force.
According to Karni, actually from the aspect of content, the association agrees with KPI provision.
“We agree that programs with mystic and porn nuance must in fact be limited,” he said.
According to him, the association's claim is more because KPI made the provision earlier than the government.
“In addition, KPI regulates the sanctions. Through the sanction is already regulated in the Broadcasting Decree,” he said.
In article 57 of the decision, for example, factual programs with occult, paranormal and black magic themes may only be broadcasted between 10pm and 3am.
The sanctions stated in article 77 are the forms of written notice, program temporary halt, duration
limitation, fines, freezing television program, turning down license extension up to television station's license revocation.
These sanctions are what the association considered as too heavy.
KPI acknowledged it will study the Supreme Court's decision.
According to KPI member, Don Bosco Selamun, the provision they made for all television stations including TVRI (state-owned television station), is normal.
“Because KPI is given the job in the Broadcasting Decree to protect the society from violence, pornography, sadism and mysticism,” he said.
According to Don Bosco, this KPI provision is different from ATVSI's code of ethics.
“ATVSI's code of ethics are valid for the internal, KPI's decision is general,” he said.
sourceLabels: Internet News
My mind's unweaving/ 1:04 PM